
Southwestern College Education Builders to Host KNEA-SP Assembly

Education Builders, a Southwestern College student organization, will host the Kansas National Education Association Student Program (KNEA-SP) Spring Representative Assembly on Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14, in Winfield.

Karrie McNutt Karrie McNutt, Southwestern senior, will preside over the conference as her last official duty as KNEA-SP President. Lori Gragert, Education Builders secretary and Sheryl Erickson, faculty advisor will also represent Southwestern College at the weekend events.  

The conference begins Friday evening with a banquet and program at The Barns at Timber Creek. This event will bring more than 30 future teachers to the Winfield community from teacher education programs in colleges throughout the state of Kansas. Sarah VenJohn, Winfield High School math teacher and regional Teacher of the Year award recipient, will be the keynote speaker for the evening program. The scholarship winners from KNEA-SP also will be announced during the evening activities.  

Each college represented will have the opportunity to enter an artifact (poster, video, brochure, etc.) that highlights its student group in action in the Sunflower Showcase Competition. The artifacts highlight how the organization has promoted the three core tenets of the KNEA-SP (teacher quality, professional development, and political action).

On Saturday morning the conference attendees will participate in community service, working on projects for Winfield Schools.  The conference concludes on Saturday with a luncheon and position nominations for the KNEA-SP 2018-2019 membership year.  

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