
Message to the Southwestern community regarding campus incident

Message to the Southwestern community regarding campus incident
January 30, 2018

To the Builder Family:  

Sunday afternoon a racial epithet was discovered written in the sand volleyball court near the south edge of campus. Actions and displays such as this are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. This behavior is a violation of our values and expectations as a college.

Southwestern College remains united against attitudes that harm others and damage our community. It is our highest priority for students, faculty, staff, and guests to feel safe and respected on our campus.

We are investigating the incident. If a student is found to have committed this action, the college will hold the individual accountable in adherence with our Student Code of Conduct. If someone who is not an SC student committed this act, we will work with the appropriate authorities to address the matter.

We are proud of the way our students are responding; they are repudiating an act of hate by issuing a challenge to demonstrate kindness and acceptance. We are proud that our college is filled with students like these, students who would protect our strong and caring community by reaching out with tolerance and an invitation to conversation. 


Brad Andrews

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