
Full Tuition Scholarships Offered at Southwestern College

Southwestern College is now accepting applications for the Pillars Academic and Moundbuilder Spirit competitive scholarships.  

The Moundbuilder Spirit Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship that is awarded annually to two student leaders who are well rounded, hardworking, and community-minded. Moundbuilder Scholars are active and service oriented; they volunteer in their community and participate in extra-curricular activities.

The Pillars Academic Scholarship is a merit-based award that recognizes two students who show outstanding academic abilities. Pillars scholars are described as intellectually and creatively adventurous. They are typically honors students who have taken advanced placement courses in high school.

Last year, Nicholas Detter, Andover, and Cameron Goodrich, Independence, earned the Pillars Academic Scholarship and Jennifer Solis, Wichita, and Leslie Shelton, Winfield, were awarded the Moundbuilder Spirit Scholarships. 

“Southwestern College has a long history of attracting and supporting deserving scholars,” said President Brad Andrews. “Indeed, recognizing the special strengths, the great potential within these students, is a great tradition at this college.”

The scholarships each award full undergraduate tuition, and are renewable for four years if certain criteria are met. The four scholarships are valued at approximately $150,000 each over four years. 

The competition requires that qualified students complete an application. Finalists will be invited to campus to complete an essay, and faculty/staff interview.  To be considered for either of the scholarships students must have submitted both their application for admission and scholarship applications by January 16. For more information about each of SC’s competitive scholarships visit or contact the office of admission at Southwestern College by calling 1-800-846-1543 extension 6236.


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