
Southwestern College Welcomes Largest Class in 132 Year History

Southwestern College marked the beginning of the fall semester by welcoming a record breaking first-year class to campus.

“It’s a wonderful day to be a Builder,” said Southwestern President Brad Andrews as he shared news of the record enrollment.   

Andrews reported that as of Monday, 192 first-year students had moved onto campus, representing the largest freshman class in the 132 year history of the college.  At the time of publication, the college has also enrolled 80 transfer students. In total, 272 new students have enrolled, also a record for the college. 

“The momentum that we are building at Southwestern is very real,” said Andrews. “The value and attractiveness of the education we provide is meaningful to prospective students and families of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and beyond.”  

 The large class was out in force on Sunday, performing community service at eleven homes and nonprofits throughout Winfield as part of the annual Freshman Work Day. On Friday their service will be focused on campus as they give the “SC” rocks on the hill east of Richard L. Jantz Stadium a fresh coat of white paint (a duty performed annually by the first-year class, with the help of President Andrews). Classes at the college will begin on August 21.

“We have 272 brand new students who chose Southwestern College, who chose Winfield— who have already begun to connect with our community and engage in our traditions,” said Andrews. “The college and Winfield are strengthened by their choosing to be here and that is certainly something we all should celebrate.” 

Last year Southwestern welcomed 173 first-year students, which, at the time, marked the second largest class to enter the college. Andrews attributes the record breaking success and increasing enrollment, which contradicts national trends, to faculty, staff, and the community.

“This success hinges on nothing more than prospective students and families recognizing that faculty and staff at Southwestern College are dedicated to helping students discover their potential and find success— and in seeing what a special place Winfield is to make home.”


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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.