
Work by Renowned Artist, SC Grad on Display Oct. 7-8

The artwork of Southwestern College alumnus Jerry Thomas will be on display in the President’s Art Gallery during Homecoming 2016.  Thomas is a member of the class of 1981.

Jerry ThomasThomas’s lifelike depictions of the historical American West have garnered him wide acclaim.  His attention to detail and passion for accurately portraying his subjects is a hallmark of his images.

His artwork will be on display on Friday, Oct. 7, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and again on Saturday, Oct. 8, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.  The President’s Art Gallery is located in the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  There is no admission charge.  

“We are honored to have Jerry’s artwork on display for Homecoming,” says Susan Lowe, director of alumni programs at Southwestern.  “He will be at the Saturday (Oct. 8) performing arts reception in Darbeth Hall from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for conversation and questions.  Don’t miss this opportunity to visit with him and see some of his incredible paintings.”

Thomas grew up in Scott City, location of the Jerry Thomas Gallery and Collection built in 2010.  The gallery displays and exhibits his original artwork and Western historical collection.

Thomas’s artwork is collected and displayed worldwide and has been featured on book covers, magazine articles, television and radio documentaries, and talk shows.  Widely recognized for his passion and dedication in supporting and protecting important historic preservation and restoration projects, Thomas has worked to preserve valuable national landmarks and historic sites through his artwork.
His Native American paintings have benefited and honored the Northern Cheyenne Nation and Crow Reservations.  Kansas Governor Sam Brownback also named him director of the initiative to design and build a museum at the El Cuartelejo National Historic Site.  

The SC graduate’s honors include the state-awarded “Kansas’ Finest,” and induction into the Southwestern College Fine Arts Hall of Fame.


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