
Tim Shook Named Chair of the National Certification Commission for MTNA

Timothy Shook, chair for the division of performing arts at Southwestern College, was named chair of the National Certification Commission for Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) at the MTNA National Conference held in San Antonio on April 3.  He is currently the West Central Division (8 state region) commissioner.

Shook will assume this position at the conclusion of the 2017 national conference in Baltimore and serve in that capacity until the conclusion of the 2019 national conference.  After ratification by the MTNA Board of Directors, he became the chair designate at the conclusion of the 2016 national conference in San Antonio.

Gary Ingles, executive director and CEO of MTNA, and Rebecca Grooms Johnson, president of MTNA, stated that Shook was their unanimous choice for the position.

While attending the conference, Shook also presented a workshop and training sessions for newly-elected and returning regional commissioners/evaluators.  

MTNA provides a nationally recognized standard of excellence in music teaching for the independent and collegiate music teacher.  Upon fulfillment of the MTNA standards, applicants are granted the MTNA Professional Certification Credential with the designation, National Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM).  This designation gives the independent and collegiate music teacher added credibility in the community and increased professional stature.  


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