
SC Diversity Council Creates Phenomenal Woman Award

The Southwestern College Diversity Council presented their first Phenomenal Woman award to three recipients on Wednesday, March 27. 

The council placed the nominated women from Southwestern College into three categories: faculty, staff, and classified. 

Phenom Women

The winning nominees were:
• Tamara McEwen, assistant professor of biology
• Sheila Krug, vice president for finance and human resources
• Pat Boggs, student life office manager.

Lai-L Clemons, diversity council chairman, says that this event is a good way to recognize Southwestern College women.

“A lot of times when we think about phenomenal women, we look outside of Southwestern College,” Clemons says.  “We need to look at the women that are right here and recognize them and award them for their great contributions.”

A total of nine women were nominated for the award.  Each of them received a certificate and a carnation.  McEwen, Krug, and Boggs received a frame that has the “Phenomenal Woman” poem by Maya Angelou, a Moundbuilder mug, and candy.

“Most importantly, they get to know they were the first to ever do this and people do recognize the hard work they are doing and they are greatly appreciated,” says Clemons.


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