
$1,260 Raised for Nothing But Nets at Southwestern College

Fans in Stewart Field House raised $1,260 in donations for the Nothing But Nets campaign at the Southwestern vs. Bethel basketball doubleheader Jan. 12.

According to Ashlee Alley, campus minister at Southwestern, Imagine No Malaria is a project of the United Methodist Church to educate and protect those most vulnerable to malaria and help treat those affected by it.

“The work of fighting malaria in our little corner of the world has been a team effort:  For the last several years, Bishop Dick Wilke has continued to set the challenge of malaria before our community,” Alley says.  “We’re grateful for (Southwestern College) athletic director Dave Denly’s willingness to make it a priority to set aside a basketball game each season as a game to raise funds.  Discipleship Southwestern students pull together the information about malaria and the efforts being made to beat it and work the table at the games each year.  For this year, I’m so pleased to see such generosity from fans of SC and Bethel to make such an important donation.”

 For more information, go to

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