
Southwestern Teams Up With SC Basketball to Help With Hurricane Sandy Clean-Up Effort

Southwestern College Athletic Director Dave Denly teamed up with the Southwestern Leadership program to allow a portion of the admission proceeds from the November 28 home basketball games against Friends University to be donated to Hurricane Sandy relief efforts via the Red Cross. 

Leadership students created a display board about the hurricane’s devastation and clean-up efforts and manned the admission gate to collect additional donations.  Between the game proceeds and admission gate money, Southwestern will be sending a little over $160 to the relief effort.

“I am grateful that Southwestern has an athletic director that cares about service and is willing to create partnerships for change,” says Lindsay Wilke, assistant director of Leadership Southwestern.  “The athletic program has been an integral part of successful service here at Southwestern.  The Leadership students were excited that the institution allowed them to put their ideas into action and to respond to an immediate crisis.”

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