
Kansas Community Colleges and Kansas Independent Colleges Sign Universal Transfer Agreement

Student transfer opportunities expanded today after the Kansas Community Colleges and Kansas Independent Colleges announced initiation of a Global Transfer and Course Articulation Agreement that ... read more >

Free Admission for SC Football on Saturday

Southwestern College has announced that Saturday’s football game versus McPherson College will be Family Day.  No admission charge will be taken and the community is invited to attend the g... read more >

Career Fair at Southwestern College September 29

Southwestern College will host a Career Fair on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held in the keyhole drive, located below the 77 Steps.  The following agencies will... read more >

Scholars of the College Named at Southwestern

Southwestern College has announced the Scholars of the College for the 2022-2023 academic year: Joshua Carter is a senior from Wichita, majoring in business administration and... read more >

SC Bluegrass Night Live is August 26

The Southwestern College Student Foundation along with Walnut Valley Festival will present SC Bluegrass Night Live on Friday, Aug. 26, at 7 p.m. There is no admission charge and the public is invited ... read more >

SC to Host Community Coffee August 25

Southwestern College will host a Community Coffee on Thursday, Aug. 25, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., at the Stir & Bustle, located on the main level of the Deets Library.  All community members are ... read more >

Keeping the Spirit Event Memorable for SC Students

Southwestern College students, faculty, and staff continued a more than 100-year tradition on Friday with the annual painting of the SC rocks on the hill east of Jantz Stadium. The event, “Ke... read more >

2022 Summit Youth Academy Hosted by Southwestern College

In the busyness of life, even adults may find it difficult to set aside intentional time for silence, reflection, and prayer. During the week of July 10-16, though, high-school juniors and seniors, an... read more >

Moundbuilder Check-In Begins August 2

Moundbuilder Check-In begins on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 2 and 3, as incoming first-year students will move into the residence halls at Southwestern College.  Builder Camp and Builder Fes... read more >

Frombgen begins work as the new president of Southwestern

Elizabeth Frombgen has completed her first week as Southwestern College’s 20th President. “It is a great day to be a Builder,” said Frombgen. “Southwestern College is a... read more >

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