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Cultural Arts Festival

Cultural Arts Festival

Builders Beyond Borders: Cultural Diversity Through the Arts

Friday, November 30 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Saturday, December 1 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Locations: Buildings along King Drive (various locations - see details below)

All sessions are FREE and open to the public

View Schedule & Program


  • World Music: Indonesian, Scottish & Latino
  • Cultural Traditions: Native American Tribe, Folklore, Writing Ballads & more
  • Cultural Awareness: Neighboring, G(race) Talks & more


  • Hands-On: African Braids, Henna, Ceramics & more
  • Language: German, Arabic & more
  • Dance: Indian, Salsa, Bachata
  • Games: Loteria (Mexican Bingo) & more


  • Food Trucks
  • Art Gallery

Locations & Activities

Darbeth Fine Arts Center

  • Portuguese Language
  • Zamba dance teaching
  • Mexican Ballad Writing
  • Be part of the bigger picture
  • World Instruments
  • Neighboring Talks
  • The Roles We Play

Christy Administration Building

  • American Indian traditions
  • African Braids
  • G(race) talks
  • Folklore
  • Arabic Language
  • German Languag
  • Loteria (Mexican Bingo)
  • Henna
  • Salsa and Bachata Dance teaching

Messenger Recital Hall

  • Scottish bagpipes
  • Indian Dance Performance
  • Mariachi band

Roy L. Smith Student Center

  • Finding common ground game
  • Ceramics Tie-dye

The festival will be a way to direct dialogue and build capacity between international students, community people, domestic students, and faculty.

This event will benefit and build capacity through the intentional sessions where the following happen:

  • An intentional interaction between cultural artists or artists who have specialized their art relating to a specific culture with the audience.
  • Artists will give introduction of the cultures they are representing, what it has meant for them perform this art and represent another culture, audience will acquire new knowledge
  • Artist who are international will share what is it like to be an international artists in United States
  • Artist either will perform their art, have an exposition or an opportunity for audience make or learn do their own art
  • People can ask any question they want in a safe environment

Festival T-Shirt available for purchase

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