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History Lecture: Dr. Glenn Sanders

"Intellectual Virtues for Life"
Dr. Glenn Sanders, Professor of History, Oklahoma Baptist University

Sponsored by Pi Gamma Mu
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Mossman 101

Dr. Glenn Sanders received his PhD in History from Brown University.  He teaches courses on European History, Middle Eastern Studies, and Western Civilization. He has published numerous articles, most notably “Christian Practices and the Vocation of Teaching History,” in Fides et Historia, (forthcoming), “What My Students Teach Me about Death,” in Christian Reflections on Death: A Series in Faith and Ethics (Waco, Tex.:  Baylor University, 2013), 69-73, and "How Christian Practices Help to Engage Students Morally and Spiritually: Testimony from a Western Civilization Course," in Faith, Learning, and Christian Practices, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2011), 157-76.

Dr. Sanders is one of the leading thinkers in the current academic movement on questions relating to Faith & Learning. His lecture, "Intellectual Virtues for Life," will touch on themes close to the heart of the Southwestern College community -- such as the meaning of courage, hope, freedom, and knowledge in the 21st century.

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