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Beck Lecture: Dr. Alan Padgett

Dr Alan G. Padgett, Professor of Systematic Theology at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN, will present the Beck Lecture at Mossman Hall 101, Southwestern College, Winfield, KS, at 7 PM Tuesday, April 12, 2011. Padgett, a leading figure in the current Religion and Science discussion, is the author of Science and the Study of God: A Mutuality Model for Theology and Science (Eerdmans, 2003) and several other books. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Padgett earned his doctorate from Oxford University. His lecture is entitled "The Bible in an Age of Science," and is concerned with how the Christian scripture and modern science can engage one another as conversation partners in the pursuit of knowledge.

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