Premier Learning Spaces

Beech Science CenterLeveraging feedback from the campus community, we will transform underutilized and underperforming spaces in each academic building on campus into innovative, engaging and resource-rich educational environments where faculty are proud to teach and where students are excited to learn. Creating spaces focused on educational outcomes will increase capacity for interdisciplinary and collaborative learning and will facilitate high-impact teaching.

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Darbeth Practice Rooms & Lounge - WDM Architects

Darbeth Architectural Rendering 1 Darbeth Architectural Rendering 3
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Mossman Business Center - Conceptual Examples

Mossman Business Center Conceptual Example 1 Mossman Business Center Example 2
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Jewell Family Learning Lab for the Natural Sciences

Jewell Learning Lab - Photo 1 Jewell Learning Lab - Photo 2
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Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.