Returning Students

Moundbuilder Check-In LogoMoundbuilder Check-In for Returning Students

Fall Athlete Returning Students

Thursday, August 8
(8 am - 4 pm - by appointment - including Cheer/Dance, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Volleyball)

Mossman Hall (#26 on the campus map)

Non-Athlete & Spring Athlete Returning Students

Saturday, August 17 (1 pm - 4 pm - by appointment-including Basketball, Baseball, Flag Football, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Track)

Mossman Hall (#26 on the campus map)

Each student has been assigned a designated check-in day and time block.​ Students have been sent an email with their individual check-in times and details. If you did not receive your notification, or if you have questions or conflicts with your check-in appointment, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at

Additional parking can be found behind Mossman Hall and Beech Science Center (#26 and #27 on the campus map)

Complete this Process Before Check-In

We encourage you to finalize your paperwork during regular business hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Items to complete before check-in:

The Office of Admission can assist you with any questions and may be reached at 1-800-846-1543.


Order your textbooks through the college online textbook store.
Free shipping on orders $99 and up! (Some restrictions apply.)

Order Textbooks

The Barnes and Noble College Bookstore storefront switches to Fall 2024 on July 18 for the Main Campus.

In the meantime, you can access the ISBN list from the Registrar’s webpage. A PDF copy of the courses offered and the corresponding ISBN are found there. 

Approximately 4 weeks prior to the class start date, you should receive an email with a voucher ID to purchase textbooks.  This voucher allows you to charge your books to your student account at SC. Log in to the link in the email.  You will need your SC ID # and the voucher ID. There is also a link to the online bookstore on Self-Service home page.

Want your textbooks mailed directly to campus?

The student mailing address is:

Student Name
Box Number
1820 Warren Ave
Winfield, KS  67156

Disclaimer: Don't worry if you have not been issued your Box Number. The Mail Center will hold and contact you for pickup.

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