
Recent News

Founders Weekend 2015 Schedule

Founders Weekend, April 16-19, 2015, is a great opportunity to celebrate the many things that make Southwestern unique and outstanding. We hope you will be able to attend one or more of the events. ... read more >

Leaders in Service Hall of Fame for the Social Sciences on April 17, 2015

Plan to attend the Leaders in Service Hall of Fame for the Social Sciences to honor three outstanding Moundbuilders: F. David Froman '68, Sandra Gasca-Gonzalez '94, and John William "Bill... read more >

Fine Arts Hall of Fame on April 18, 2015

For 2015, the Fine Arts Hall of Fame event will be moving to the stage in beautiful new Richardson Performing Arts Center in Christy Hall.  The event will begin at 9 a.m. on April 18 with a brunc... read more >

Business Hall of Fame on April 18, 2015

The Business Hall of Fame event for 2015 will begin with an unveiling of plaques at 12 noon on April 18, 2015 in Deets Library.  Immediately following will be a luncheon and the induction ceremon... read more >

Educators and Scholars Halls of Fame on April 18, 2015

Southwestern College is proud to announce those who will be honored at the 2015 Educators and Scholars Halls of Fame, which will take place on Founders Weekend.  The event will begin with a recep... read more >

Award Winning War Documentary 'Restrepo' to be Shown at Southwestern College

Southwestern College will present a free screening of Sebastian Junger’s critically acclaimed documentary “Restrepo” on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m., in the Richardson Performing Arts... read more >

Cast for 'Spamalot' Finalized

The Southwestern College performing arts faculty had auditions in January, and have cast and begun rehearsals for Monty Python’s “Spamalot,” which will play in Southwestern’s R... read more >

Kansas Private College Week is February 9-16

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has issued a proclamation identifying Feb. 9-16 as Kansas Private College week in the state of Kansas.  The governor’s proclamation brings attention to Kansas... read more >

Sebastian Junger to Deliver Docking Lecture at Southwestern College; ‘Restrepo’ to be Presented February 17

Award winning journalist, director, and best-selling author Sebastian Junger will present the Docking Lecture on Thursday, March 5, at 11 a.m., in the Richardson Performing Arts Center in the Christy ... read more >

Patrick Ross Returns to Southwestern After Exploration Place Sabbatical

Patrick Ross, Southwestern College professor of biology and chair of the natural science division, has returned to his teaching duties at the college after spending the  fall semester on sabbatic... read more >

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Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.