
Recent News

Dinner Theatre to Add to 'Sweeney Todd'

Southwestern College’s theatre department will showcase their performance of Stephen Sondheim’s musical thriller, “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” beginning Ma... read more >

Leadership Southwestern Students Want to Clean

Leadership Southwestern students are currently looking for individuals who need or want help cleaning the inside or outside of their homes.  The students are raising money for their service trip ... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes 02-12-13

Senate Minutes 2-13-13... read more >

Singers Needed for 'Requiem' Performance

The Southwestern College choral department announces the performance of John Rutter’s “Requiem” for its spring concert on April 14, and invites community members to join the choir fo... read more >

Guest Artist Brooke Rowzee Stage Managing Musical Thriller

Brooke Rowzee, a Campus Player and a Southwestern College graduate, has left New York City to stage manage the Southwestern College spring musical “Sweeney Todd” March 1 through 9 at the c... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes 02-05-13

Senate Meeting Notes 02-05-13... read more >

SC Alum Jerry Kill Featured on Buick Human Highlight Reel

The Buick Human Highlight Reel, in partnership with NCAA, features SC Alum Jerry Kill, '84 and his work with the Coach Kill Cancer Fund. ... read more >

SC Students Attend and Compete at KCACTF

Several Southwestern College students and faculty attended the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF), Region V, in Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20-26.  Region V comprises Kansas, Nebra... read more >

Ballroom Dance Class at Southwestern College to Feature Waltz and Swing

The Community Music School at Southwestern College is offering ballroom dancing class featuring the waltz and swing.  Classes will be taught by Yvonne Marcotte.The ballroom dance class will meet ... read more >

SC Professional Studies Listed in 'Military Advanced Education'

“Military Advanced Education,” the journal of higher learning for today’s service members, has named Southwestern College Professional Studies to the 2013 Guide to Military-Friendly ... read more >

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