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SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 03-05-2023

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 03-05-2023 ... read more >

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 02-26-2023

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 02-26-2023 ... read more >

SC Philanthropy Board Offering $1,000 Grant to Area Non-Profit Organization

The Southwestern College Philanthropy Board (SCPB) in conjunction with the Non-profit Leadership class will award one grant of $1,000 to any non-profit organization, church, or school focused on helpi... read more >

Beatrice Marovich to Present Annual Beck Lecture

Beatrice Marovich, writer and academic who teaches in the department of theology at Hanover College in Hanover, Ind., will deliver the Beck Lecture at Southwestern College on Wednesday, March 1, at 5 ... read more >

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 02-12-2023

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 02-12-2023 ... read more >

It’s Official, SC Graduate Makes History in Kansas

Southwestern College graduate Carmen Doramus-Kinley is living proof that good things come to those who work hard. In October, Doramus-Kinley became the first female in Kansas to wear the white hat ... read more >

24-Hour Plays Returns to Southwestern College

The Southwestern College Theatre Department 24-Hour Plays is thrilled to host its eighth 24-Hour play production.  With SC students and staff joined by area high school teachers and students as w... read more >

SC Faculty, Staff, and Students Attend KCACTF

Several Southwestern College students, faculty, and staff attended the Region V Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 22-28.  Region V comprises Kans... read more >

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 01-29-2023

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 01-29-2023 ... read more >

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 01-22-2023

SGA Senate Meeting Minutes 01-22-2023 ... read more >

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