
Recent News

French Comedy 'The Miser' Fun and Challenging for SC Students

French comedy is never an easy feat, but it is one worth tackling for the theatre students at Southwestern College as they produce their Homecoming show, “The Miser” by Moliere, adapted by... read more >

09.18.2012 Senate Meeting

  Senate Meeting Overview: With 4 Executives and 13 Senators present, SGA welcomed and inaugurated the 2012-2013 Freshman Class President. The senate voted on two (2) items in intro... read more >

Norman Ornstein to Deliver Docking Lecture

Norman Ornstein will deliver the fourth Docking Lecture in Leadership and Public Affairs at Southwestern College on Friday, Oct. 5.  The Docking Lecture will be in the Richardson Performing Arts ... read more >

SC Alumni and Ambassadors to be Recognized

The 2012 Ambassador Award, the Young Alumni Award, and the Alumni Recognition Award will be presented Friday, Oct. 12, at the Southwestern College Homecoming dinner in the Roy L. Smith dining hall.&nb... read more >

Norman Ornstein to Deliver Docking Lecture

Norman Ornstein will deliver the fourth Docking Lecture in Leadership and Public Affairs at Southwestern College on Friday, Oct. 5.  The Docking Lecture will be in the Richardson Performing Arts ... read more >

Southwestern College Professional Studies Listed in 2013 Military Friendly Schools

Victory Media, the premier media entity for military personnel transitioning into civilian life, has named Southwestern College Professional Studies to the coveted Military Friendly Schools list. The ... read more >

Exciting Theatre Season Scheduled at SC

The Southwestern College theatre department is back in full swing. Four major shows will be presented during the course of the 2012-2013 academic year, and three will take place in Richardson Performi... read more >

Student Senate Meetings Minutes

  08.28.12 Senate Meeting Minutes 09.04.12 Senate Meeting Minutes   Tuesdays @ 5:30 PM in Pound's Lounge are the weekly SGA senate meetings. Senate meetings are open and students... read more >

Homecoming 2012 Artist Feature - Mike Fell

Homecoming 2012 will feature the work of 4 talented Southwestern College artists.  Beginning on Thursday, October 11, the President's Gallery in Darbeth Fine Arts Center will feature artwork by... read more >

Tallgrass Express String Band to Perform Free Concert at SC

The Tallgrass Express String Band will perform Friday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m., in the Richardson Performing Arts Center in the Christy Administration building on the campus of Southwestern College. ... read more >

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