
Recent News

SC Learning Center Earns Accreditation

The Southwestern College Learning Center, formerly known as Little Builders, has earned accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) – the nation&rsquo... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes November 27th 2012

November 27th, 2012... read more >

Christmas Classic 'Eagerheart' to be Performed at Southwestern

The Southwestern College Campus Players will present their 80th annual production of “Eagerheart” by A.M. Buckton. This year’s production of “Eagerheart” will be held in ... read more >

SC Student Photography to Displayed in Deets Library

Photography by 12 Southwestern College students will be on display from Nov. 30 to Dec. 10 in the Deets Library on the campus of Southwestern College.  The photographs were produced during the In... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes November 13th, 2012

November 13th, 2012... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes November 6th, 2012

November 6th, 2012... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes October 30th, 2012

October 30th, 2012... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes October 16th, 2012

October 16th, 2012... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes October 9th, 2012

October 9th, 2012... read more >

Senate Meeting Notes October 2nd, 2012

October 2nd, 2012... read more >

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