Satisfaction Rates

CAEP Measure 2: Employers’ Satisfaction with Program Completers

CAEP Standard A4.1: Satisfaction of Employers: The provider demonstrates that employers are satisfied with completers’ preparation and that completers reach employment milestones such as promotion and retention. Connected to A1.1: Knowledge, Skills & Professional Dispositions

CAEP Measure 2 A4.1 - Building/District Level Employers Draft Focus Group Questions (PDF)

CAEP Standard A.4.2: Satisfaction of Completers: The provider demonstrates that advanced program completers perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they confront on the job and that the preparation was effective. Connected to A1.1: Knowledge, Skills & Professional Dispositions

CAEP Measure 2 A4.2 - Building/District Level Completer Draft Focus Group Questions (PDF)

CAEP Standard A.4.2: Satisfaction of Completers: The provider demonstrates that advanced program completers perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they confront on the job and that the preparation was effective. Connected to A1.1: Knowledge, Skills & Professional Dispositions

CAEP Measure 2 A4.2 - Special Education Completer Draft Focus Group Questions (PDF)


CAEP Measure 2 - Completer Satisfaction Rates Initial 2021-2022 (PDF)

CAEP Measure 2 - Employer Satisfaction Rates Initial 2021-2022 (PDF)

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