
Course Rotation

Fall, First 8-week Session:

615 Financial Management, Analysis, and Decision Making
620 Marketing Strategies
635 Organizational Dynamics and Change

Fall, Second 8-week Session:

630 Organizational Behavior and Human Resources
637 Business Law and Ethics
605 Global Economics

Spring, First 8-week Session:

680 Globalization and Organizations
640 Global Management
625 Finance and Managerial Accounting

Spring, Second 8-week Session:

645 Organizational Charactership
710  Global Strategies
700 Graduate Project - Capstone

Course Descriptions

MGMT605 Global Economics 
This course combines the application of economic theory and methodology to managerial decision making problems within various organizational settings. The emphasis in this course will be on demand analysis and estimation, production and cost analysis under different market conditions, and forecasting and decision making. This course assumes prior undergraduate economics coursework. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT615 Financial Management, Analysis, and Decision Making 
Students explore and apply the principles of financial management and examine the use of accounting and financial information to plan, analyze, and implement business decisions and activities. Topics include concepts such as time value of money, risk and valuation, cost of capital, capital structure and budgeting, long-term financing decisions, working capital policy and management, and financial analysis and planning. The course concludes with a focus on strategic and operational performance analysis and evaluation for effective decision making. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT620 Marketing Strategies 
Students explore various marketing concepts of importance to managers, including product development and brand management, price determination, distribution strategy, and advertising/promotion management. Emphasis will be on strategic implications of these topics, rather than the theories themselves. Students will be required to exhibit mastery of the topics through the development of a complete, case-based integrated marketing strategy. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT625 Financial and Managerial Accounting 
This course provides students with an introduction to financial and managerial accounting. Students interpret financial statement information and examine that information to assist in planning, analyzing, and implementing business decisions and activities. Focus is on strategic and operational performance analysis and evaluation. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT630 Organizational Behavior and Human Resources 
This course covers models and theories of behavior and human resources management concepts and processes as they apply to managing individual and work-group behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior topics include leadership, motivation, and teamwork. Human Resource management topics include human resources strategy, selection, performance evaluation, reward systems, and employee development. Heavy emphasis will be on the strategic implications of these topics. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT635 Organizational Dynamics and Change 
This course provides a foundation in organizational change theory and practice. Students gain a framework for understanding and changing organizations from a micro to macro level as they learn how to create an organization that is responsive to environmental forces. Change in large and small, and public and private entities will be examined through analysis of real world businesses. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT637 Business Law and Ethics 
Businesses must meet the legal and ethical standards imposed by a changing society. Decisions must be made that reflect the legal obligations of our world and the ethical standards by which a company will be known Any company can face challenges in the form of globalization of the business enterprise, potential of hostile takeovers, concerns with market strategies, and continuing developments in international law and administrative regulation. Students will examine the legal, social, historical, and political/economic regulatory environments to understand that the legal and ethical perspectives are crucial in all business transaction markets. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT640 Global Operations 
This course focuses on the central role operations plays in a company’s success and the analytic tools that are required for strong managerial decision-making. Students gain an understanding of the strategic advantages provided by the operations function to strong organizations. Topics of study include operations strategies, supply chains, process design and analysis, lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and other approaches to managing quality. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT645 Organizational Charactership 
This course explores the impact of character on organizations at all levels. Students will explore methods and skills that promote professional and organizational development through a values-driven and principle-centered approach to success. Students will identify the difference between morals, ethics, and character. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT681 International Business Strategies 
The course will provide student with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand the global economic, political, cultural and social environment within which firms operate. It will examine the strategies and structures of international business and assess the special roles of an international business’s various functions. Using case studies, it will also prepare students to formulate and execute strategies, plans, and tactics to succeed in international business. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT700 Graduate Project 
All students will prepare and submit a professional capstone portfolio as a graduate requirement in this course. The portfolio serves as an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their achievement of their respective degree program outcomes through their degree program coursework, and their commitment to lifelong learning through the identification of specific future learning goals. All students will be required to prepare, conduct, and report on an applied learning project relevant to their degree program as a second graduate requirement in this course. This project will cover theory, concepts, practices, knowledge, and skills covered across the respective degree program courses and their application to a real-life or simulated situation. Students’’ projects from this course are also included in the final professional portfolio submitted at the end of the course. Credit 3 hours. 

MGMT710 Global Strategies 
Students synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in previous MBA courses and from examining the principles and practices for developing and implementing organizational strategies. Students engage in a global business simulation, preparing and executing business strategies for a global company. Credit 3 hours.

*2022-2023 Academic Catalog

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Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.