Donor Spotlight

“The Builder Fund is important because it keeps Southwestern College on the map and able to help these wonderful kids.” 
Anne Ewing Grigsby ’43

“I feel it’s important to provide current students the same opportunities I had as an undergrad. Supporting the Builder Fund is a way for me to pay it forward. In my view, it is our responsibility to help current students in need.”
Helen Jennings Stanley ’45

“I value the education and experience that Southwestern provided me.  The opportunities I had while a student on campus and the people that helped me gave me a strong foundation for life beyond college.  Giving what I can afford to Southwestern provides that experience for current Builders.”
Lila Holmes-Parks ‘50

“My first year at Southwestern was right after the fire (1950-51), so I didn't choose the college for the buildings as they were.  Somehow we all met our classes that were scattered all over the campus.  Now we all have an opportunity to contribute to "building Southwestern" to help continue the spirit of the campus that will always be there.  It is a privilege to be part of this "structural" endeavor!”
Jo Ann Huffman Lowry ’54 

“Our contribution to the Builder Fund is our thank you to Southwestern College for the impact it has had on our lives.   By giving to the Builder Fund, we have an opportunity to directly impact the lives of current students who are sharing the same experiences in a moral setting that we did as students.”
Jim ‘61 and Bev ’61 Howard Dillman

“We were so grateful over fifty years ago when the generosity of others helped us fulfill our dream of a college education.  Now we are grateful to be able to help others fulfill their quest for higher education.”
Art ’58  and Sharyll ’62 Modschiedler

"I have long supported the annual fund because it's the 'life blood' of the college's annual operations.  Supporting the operating budget isn't as exotic as giving to special projects, but it's I believe, most essential."
Kelly Byron Bender ’68

“Southwestern College means a lot to me, both because of the strong liberal arts education it provided, and the many friendships I made.  As a private college, SC cannot continue its tradition of top-quality education unless alumni and friends provide vital support.  Each year the Builder Fund significantly helps students like we once were.  So it only seems appropriate to consider the importance of giving back through the Builder Fund.  In gratitude, I know I’ll be giving again this year.”
Hal Reed ’71 

“Southwestern College is a part of who I am as a person. I truly value the experience and education that I received while a student at Southwestern as it gave me a strong foundation for life. Supporting the Builder Fund is my way of directly impacting the lives of current students who will share some of the experiences and traditions that I did.”
Jo Lynn Skaggs McWilliams ’76

“What goes around comes around and my experiences at Southwestern College are an integral part of who I am today. I can think of no better way of recognizing the support I received while at SC, than in turn supporting young Builders in their pursuit of higher learning.”
Jan Faidley ‘77

“My contributions to the Builder Fund serve as tokens of appreciation for life-long friendships, life lessons, character building and a firm educational framework that Southwestern College provided me through four years of on-campus living and growth.  Donations to the college will hopefully assist in providing current students with a treasured educational opportunity.”
Tammy DeLano McCleave ‘81

“I believe in Southwestern College and its value as an institution of higher education.  Gifts to the Builder Fund have an immediate impact on the college and help provide affordable tuition rates for current students.  As an SC alum and employee, I feel it is my personal responsibility to give to the Southwestern College Builder Fund through payroll deduction.”
Kristina  Paulin Harding ’86 

“I donate every year to the Builder Fund with a thankful heart for Southwestern’s Self-Designed Program. It’s a way for me to “pay it forward” so others have the opportunity for higher education and the chance to become change agents in the world. My time there has enhanced my life and my ministry.”
Rev. Sandra Wanasek ’92

"...I will strive in all ways to transmit the Fraternity to those who may follow after, not only, not less, but greater than it was transmitted to me.”  As a member of Phi Delta Theta at Southwestern, I recited the phikeia oath numerous times and I try in all ways to live by this portion of the phikeia oath.  The Builder Fund is one of my many lifes' fraternities.”
David Battin ’98

"This gift is in honor of my parents for I would not be where I am today without their guidance, help, encouragement, and above all their love. Personally, I give to Southwestern College because of the impact that the professors, staff, organizations, community, and fellow builders have had on my life. I understand and appreciate the importance of helping the college to continue that same impact for future alumni.  I am giving back a portion of what this college has helped me to earn today through the tools and resources that I learned while attending Southwestern College."
Jonathan Leeper ’07 

“We have long supported the Builder Fund because it's the 'life blood' of the college's annual operations.  Supporting the operating budget isn't as enticing as giving to special projects but we believe it’s crucial to the continuation of the college.”
Richard and Julia Wilke

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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.