Builder Fund

Builder Fund Logo

ENHANCE Southwestern. EMPOWER achievement. INSPIRE excellence.

Set our faculty and students free to imagine … to reach for the undiscovered

When you join in the Builder Fund with your annual unrestricted gift, you allow us to be responsive to emerging opportunities. Your support funds quality enhancements across the College.

Support today’s Builders as they pursue lives of significance in their careers, families, churches, and communities.

Give to the Builder Fund

Southwestern is a can-do, can-build, can-be institution, where students develop to their fullest potential. Through the Builder Fund, you give our students an SC experience marked by:

Personalized education — where each student is known and every student matters,

Academic excellence — where every class is taught by a professor who is fully engaged in their field,

Engagement with the world — where there is a focus on international experiences and global perspectives,

Leadership development — where opportunities abound for every student to lead and engage in service learning,

Holistic approach — where mind, body and soul are cultivated.

Student Phonathon Program

Each semester, students from various backgrounds and interests gather in the phonathon room to connect with alumni and friends of Southwestern. The Southwestern College Phonathon is a vital part of the Annual Giving program. Callers offer exciting philanthropic choices and personally thank those who have enhanced their SC experience.

These students are inspired by donor support to continue the traditions of Southwestern. They hear stories of the past, connect with alumni in their field of study, and build relationships with Builders around the country.

Your gift during phonathon offers the opportunity to touch a student’s life in a direct, immediate, and empowering way. So when you see that number, answer the call of a Moundbuilder!

Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.