The Jinx Tale
Southwestern College's Electronic Newsletter
The Jinx Tale contains current campus information for the day/week including institutional/academic announcements, campus events, Builder Family notes, and community postings/events.
Publication Frequency
If new content is submitted, it is sent each weekday classes are in session and intermittently during breaks.
How to Submit Items to be Published
Items to be included should be submitted to the day prior, or before 8 a.m., on the day information is intended to be published.
Institutional and academic announcements, campus activity announcements, miscellaneous announcements, and job postings may be announced twice and can run for up to three consecutive days. Classified and community postings (lost and found, items for sale, off-campus events, etc.) may be run up to three consecutive days.
Items not received by 8 a.m. will be run the following day.
How to be Removed from Mailing List
To be removed from the Jinx Tale mailing list subscribers must email a request for removal to
Want to Receive The Jinx Tale?
Submit the form found at the link below to receive The Jinx Tale.
All active institutional email addresses "''" email addresses are opted-in for Jinx Tale and cannot be removed from the Jinx Tale distribution list.
The Alumni Jinx Tale
In addition to the daily Jinx Tale sent to campus, there is also a monthly Jinx Tale which is targeted to SC Alumni.
NOTE: If you sign up for the daily/campus Jinx Tale above and designate that you are an alum, you will also be added to the monthly Alumni Jinx Tale.