
SC Grad Callie Seaton to Present Art Show

A reception celebrating the art work of Callie Seaton has been scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 21, in the lobby of the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  The reception will follow the SC Concert Band performance scheduled for 3 p.m. in Richardson Auditorium.  The band concert admission is $5; there is no admission charge to the reception.
Seaton’s work has been on display at numerous juried, group, and individual shows.  This show features her abstract oil paintings. 
“Some of my recent work begins with a haphazard and intuitive layering of thin paint rather than any pictorial image,” Seaton says.  “The emerging work is guided by marks that the tools make.  As the process develops, some original marks may remain evident while others are covered.  When the painting ‘seems right’ to me, something from nature usually comes to mind and this provokes a title. Other times my photographic images guide the work.  The results then tend to be more literal.   
“Most of my life has been lived in Maine and Kansas,” continues Seaton.  “My inspiration comes from the natural environment—the colors, shapes and textures I find there.  Although my recent paintings are very abstract, the seacoast and granite quarries of Maine and the Flint Hills of Kansas speak through my work.”
Seaton earned a bachelor of arts degree in art from Southwestern in 1986.  She has continued her education at Wichita State University, Cowley College, and the Wichita Center for the Arts.
Seaton’s art work will be on display until April 1 in the Presidents Gallery inside the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  The gallery is open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.  For more information call (620) 229-6272.

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