
Reed, Lungren, Seaton Honored

The Young Alumni Award, the 2009 Ambassador Award, and the Alumni Recognition Award were presented Friday, Oct. 16, at the Southwestern College Homecoming dinner in Stewart Field House.  The honorees were Traci Lungren, David Seaton, and Jim Reed.
The SC Ambassador Award was presented to David Seaton.  This award is given to a person or persons who are not alumni of the college, but yet are involved and supportive of the mission and role Southwestern strives to fulfill.
Seaton has been a valued friend of Southwestern College since 1981, through his role as editor and publisher of the Winfield Daily Courier. 
Dave Seaton Photo
After graduation from Harvard, David and his wife, Callie, served for two years in the Peace Corps in Brazil.  Following that, David was press secretary to United States Senator James B. Pearson of Kansas.  In 1978, the Seaton family moved to Winfield, and Seaton went to work for the Winfield Publishing Company, involved in conveying news to the public in Winfield, Arkansas City, and Newkirk, Okla.
Seaton is an active volunteer, especially in the local community.  He has served on the board of trustees for KPTS public television in Wichita, a past-president of the Winfield Area Chamber of Commerce, active member of the Winfield Main Street Program, and also involved with the Winfield Martin Luther King Jr. task force and Creative Community Living program.  In addition to all of this, he has supported
the mission of Southwestern College.

“David understands and appreciates the difference Southwestern makes in the quality of life for young people and is a strong advocate for the college,” says Susan Lowe, director of alumni activities at Southwestern.

Lungren, a 2004 SC graduate now living in Norman, Okla., was presented the Young Alumni Award.  This honor is presented to a recent graduate who has made an outstanding commitment to the college. 

Traci Lungren

      According Lowe, Lungren has volunteered to be a regional host for several alumni gatherings.  She also agreed to be a class host and has been active with keeping her classmates connected to Southwestern.  Lungren also keeps an eye out for bright and involved high school students who would fit at SC.  She has brought several to the college for campus tours.

“Traci is always upbeat, willing, and eager to help, no matter what the request.  Indeed, she is an enthusiastic Builder who goes above and beyond for her alma mater,” Lowe says. 

Reed, a 1964 SC graduate, was presented the Alumni Recognition Award in honor of his significant contributions to the college and to community. Jim is an ordained minister with the United Methodist Church, and served as pastor at Derby UMC for several years, and then First United Methodist Church in Manhattan, until his recent retirement.  In addition to his work in the ministry, he is on the board of Mercy Health Center in Manhattan, and has been helping raise funds to create a United Methodist Campus Ministries/ Wesley House for K-State alums in his hometown.  
For over a decade, Jim has been a class host volunteer for Southwestern College, helping establish a vital link between his college classmates and their alma mater.  

Jim Reed

“He is always a willing volunteer, ready to help with any need that the college asks of him, including serving on the Builders in Ministry committee,” says Lowe.  “He and his wife, Sherry, are strong supporters of SC and continue to help recruit future generations of Moundbuilders whenever the opportunity arises.”




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