Builders: They're Everywhere
(As featured in the Summer 2017 issue of The Southwesterner.)
Moundbuilders meet in the most unexpected places, as Kent Lundy ’90 and Kevin Galo ’14 discovered during the past year. Chaplain (Maj.) Lundy, a member of the 122nd Fighter Wing of the Indiana Air National Guard, and Staff Sgt. Galo, an active duty U.S. Air Force Security Forces member from F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming, were deployed to Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia from July 2016 to January 2017 as members of the 879th Expeditionary Security Forces squadron. Eskan Village is a United States Secretary of State Training Mission compound where approximately 1,000 military members and contractors live and work. The 879th provided the force protection for the entire compound.
“We did not know each other before we arrived,” Lundy says. “We realized the connection one day when Kevin was talking with me about the incredible military-friendly college he was attending!”
Lundy earned his SC bachelor of arts in 1990, and Galo finished his criminal science degree from Professional Studies in 2014. In addition to his military duties Lundy is a full-time elder in the Indiana conference of the United Methodist Church, and as of July 1 will be senior pastor of Churubusco United Methodist Church.
“And yes,” Lundy adds, “we both deployed with our SC T-shirts.”