Upcoming Events

Step Up for Southwestern | Day of Giving

Builder Nation came together in a big way last year with Step Up for Southwestern. With a goal of $50,000, we raised over $75,000, which was matched totaling over $150,000 for the students of SC!

Recently, we launched a new $12,000,000 capital campaign-- Forward / Now. A gift to the Builder Fund during Step Up for Southwestern is a great opportunity to participate in the  Forward / Now campaign. On this special day of giving, all gifts to the Builder Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a group of generous donors.

On Thursday, March 25, 2021, wear your purple, make a gift, and Step Up for Southwestern!

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Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.