Return On Investment

College prep is over.
Now it’s time for life prep.

You’ve spent a lot of years getting ready for college – now Southwestern College will help you get ready for the rest of your life. From day one, we are intentional about combining a great college experience with preparation for graduate school or a career. Our innovative PREP sequence gives you the tools to be successful in the real world, emphasizing self-discovery, career exploration, internships, making a plan, and working the plan.

Career Jump: SC Seniors Hired Before Graduation

With the help of their professors, two of our senior accounting majors had multiple job offers and were hired even before they started their final semester. Check out the video to hear about their story.

Career Jump Start - SC Seniors Hired Before Graduation from Southwestern College on Vimeo.

Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.