
Southwestern College Theatre to KCACTF

KCACTF Region V - Festival 43

Ames, IA

January 16 - 22

This season has certainly been a busy and productive one for the Southwestern College Theatre Department, and that is about to show as they head into KCACTF Festival 43 this year. This week long festival is one where the students in attendance get to go to various workshops, performances, and have a chance to audition for theatres across the United States.

The Pillars Stand: The Richardson Fire Project has recieved the honor of being one of two pieces nominated for the Mark Coen Award. It'll be one of sixteen when taken to the national level. A big congratulations to Roger Moon, Adam Sharp, and the Company of the show for all their hard work. Also a huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the piece even possible!

SC's Romeo and Juliet has been invited to one of a few shows across the region to participate in the annual Costume Parade at the Festival.

Roger and Allyson Moon have been given the opportunity to also lead workshops at the festival for students to attend

  • "Devising 101" - Roger Moon, Adam Sharp, and the Company of The Richardson Fire Project. - A class dedicated to teaching individuals how to devise a play.
  • "The Play Room: Game Marathon" - Allyson Moon - Dedicated 3 hours of playing improvizational acting, drama therapy, theatre of the opressed, and creative dramatics games. Anyone can come play and all welcome to bring their knowledge to share!

Five SC students will be participating in the Irene Ryan Competition. So break-a-leg Cody Davis, Caitlynn French, Cooper Hart, Lenita Krejci and Justin Tinker.

It will definitely be an exciting time for everyone! Thank you so much for your support!

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