
Volunteers Needed to Strip Richardson

The Southwestern College theatre department is looking lots of helping hands as they finish stripping down Richardson Auditorium in preparation for the upcoming renovation.

According to Roger Moon, director of theatre at Southwestern College, everything, including lights, batten pipes, and curtains, has to be moved.  

TearingDown Richardson

“Lighting closets were cleaned last week and the organ will finish going tomorrow,” said Moon. “We’ve got a few days to finish moving out before the plaster starts falling.”
Items will be moved out of Richardson this week leading up to the main moving day on Saturday, Dec. 18.
Lael Porter, SC’s adjunct tech director, is leading students, along with Moon, as they remove all theatre materials stored in Richardson.  According to Moon, curtains need to be taken down, folded, and moved to storage, and a full shop has to be moved so that spring musical “Chicago,” and other productions can be built in the corners of Darbeth. 
“Stage flats, pipes, roll drops, and a world of theatre has to be stacked and organized for loading on Saturday,” says Moon.  “But, it’s finals week and many students are headed home.  We have to have everything ready to pack on two semi-trucks that will be brought in to the top of the hill by Friday.  So, we need lots of hands and strong backs on Saturday.”

Volunteers who cannot help on Dec. 18 but would still like to assist this week also are needed.  Extra hands will be appreciated any afternoon this week thru Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.  Volunteers should come to the Christy Administration Building, Richardson Auditorium, and introduce themselves. 

Moon is hoping for many volunteers, and pickups or trucks any afternoon or Saturday. 

“This is our hour of need,” Moon says.

Saturday’s move will begin at 9 a.m., and lunch will be served that day for everyone that can assist.  To ensure enough food is ready for everyone helping with the move on Dec. 18, please call (620) 229-6272 so an accurate head count can be made.  Lou Tharp is in charge of the lunch and if anyone would like to assist her it would be greatly appreciated.


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