
Five SC Directing I Students to Direct Scenes

Five Southwestern College students will use the knowledge they have attained from their Directing I class and share it with the public on Sunday Dec. 13, as they present their final projects.  The students will be directing scenes in the Helen Graham Little Theatre.  The show will begin at 6:30 p.m., and there is no admission charge.

The directors are Cody Davis, Montrose, Colo.; Abram Rankin, Winfield; Jamie Garrard, Belton, Mo.; Kevin Mnich, Bartlesville, Okla.; and Caitlynn French, Derby.

Davis will direct a scene from “Tartuffe” by Moliere; French will direct a scene from “The Cast of the Crushed Petunias” by Tennessee Williams; Garrard will direct a scene from “The Curious Case of Rhymer McGuigan” by Alex Broun; Mnich will direct a scene from “Over and Over and Over Again” by Jeannine Saunders; and Rankin will direct a scene from “The Wizard of Menlo Park” by Aron Pfingsten.

“All of the directors have worked really hard on this collaborative effort,” says Mnich.  "The scenes will consist of comedy, drama, and original works.  It runs the gamut from Moliere to Tennessee Williams.”

After the scenes, The Irene Ryan nominees for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival scenes will be performed.

For more information, call (620) 229-6272.

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