
Campus Players Annual Production of ‘Eagerheart’ to be Performed November 30 and December 4

Southwestern College’s 89th annual production of “Eagerheart” will be presented two times. Performances will be Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 11 a.m., and Sunday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church.  Admission is free with a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Winfield Food Pantry. 

The Southwestern College theatre department and the Campus Players organization produce the show each year as a gift to the community.  Also contributing this year, has been the Southwestern College Worship Outreach team and many alumni who have stepped up in numerous ways to assist with the production. 

“Eagerheart,” which was written by early 20th century English playwright A.M. Buckton, celebrates the legend that Christ and the Holy Family travel the earth each year, blessing one deserving home where they rest on Christmas Eve.   Eager Heart and sisters Eager Fame and Eager Sense, along with shepherds and kings of Power, Wisdom, and Love, reveal their understanding of Christ and His teachings.  The search for the Holy Family is tested by beggars seeking food and shelter.  The play challenges and inspires audiences to live with charity throughout the year. 

Southwestern College campus minister Molly Just is playing the role of Prologue/Epilogue. 

Playing the role of Eager Heart will be Maeson Bryant.  Molly Bender has been cast as Eager Sense and Olivia Worsham as Eager Fame.

The Beggar Man will be played by Jordan Geer.  The kings will be played by Lael Porter, King of Power; Joshua Robinson, King of Wisdom; and Abram Rankin, King of Love. Roxy Callison will play the role of the Old Shepherd. Other shepherds will be played by Alexis Miers, Joy Lenz and Odyssey Mann.

Madeline Nichols, Jordan Burford, Grace Webster, and Sean Whitney will play the role of the angels while the Angel of Death will be played by Jacob Giger.

An uncredited but honored woman traditionally plays the role of the beggar woman who later is recognized as one the Holy Family, and infants of the community are cast as the beggars’ child taken in by Eager Heart.   

The technical staff includes:

Julia Faust, director; Allyson Moon, assistant director; Kathy Baker, stage manager; Brooke Rowzee, production manager; Abram Rankin, props master; Maya Damron, Kelley Graham, and Robin Hathaway Sommer, costumes; Joy Lenz and Terry Quiett, publicity; and D’Marcus Chase, house manager.

Reservations for the shows can be made by calling (620) 221-7720 or (620) 229-6272.  Reservations may also be made by emailing

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