
SC Theatre Students go to KCACTF

It's that time of year again!!! When all the theatre students disappear for a week!!!!  The theatre students will be leaving Sunday morning to head to Lincoln, Nebraska for the annual Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.  We have several of our students participating in very diverse events while at the festival.


Julia Faust & Shane Schrag will be taking their Irene Ryan nominations to the festival to compete for a scholarship.  Their partners, Zoe Rea and Emily Tilton, will go along with them.  These four individuals have worked hard, and have their audition fully prepared.


Nikia Smith, Jordon Snow, and Shane Schrag will all be participating in the Musical Theatre Intensive.  These three students will audition for a chance to perform in front of the entire festival.


Nikia Smith, Mariah Warren, and Rachel Rose will all be participating in several different design intensives, including; Stage Management, Wig Making, and Costume design.


Mariah Warren and Jordon Snow will be participating in the Professional Theatre Auditions held at the festival.  With these auditions, these students will get to show theatre companies all over the United States their talents, and what they have to offer.


All of the students going KCACTF will be participating in several workshops, and have multiple opportuinites to grow within their area of studies. 



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