
Nine Lives to Perform Community Show

The Nine Lives Laughatorium and Good Times Improvisational Comedy Troupe will perform a community show on Friday, Feb. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Messenger Recital Hall in the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  There is no admission charge.

Nine Lives Marching 2013

The theme for the show is “Once Upon a Nine Lives” which will consist of the troupe’s take on fractured fairytales. 

“Only once a semester does Nine Lives get to perform for the whole community instead of just the campus,” says Lisa Prater, public relations director.  “It is always an exciting experience for the troupe to perform for the community.”

The hour-long family friendly performance will consist of popular improv games, audience participation, and lots of candy.

For more information, call (620) 229-6272.


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