
SC Theatre Department Receives KCACTF Nominations

The Southwestern College theatre department received three Irene Ryan nominations as well as a scene nomination from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF).

The Irene Ryan nominees are Jordan Hill, Derby; Levi Nord, Mulvane; and Justin Tinker, Las Vegas, Nev. They were selected by both the director and the respondents sent by KCACTF who judged the performances during the homecoming play, “The Miser.” In addition to these nominees, a scene featuring Tinker, Hill, and Austin Davis, Colorado Springs, Colo., was selected for a showcase at the festival.

Irene Ryan nominees are expected to prepare two scenes and a monologue for the regional festival, which will be held in Lincoln, Neb., this January.

Many factors play into being selected for an Irene Ryan nomination. Hill believes that it was his onstage energy and total dedication to his role that earned him the nomination. Tinker said he assisted the style of the show by using a variety of accents and using the raked stage to his advantage.

“This is the first time I’ve heard of the ‘Irene Ryan,’” said Hill, “So on top of learning what the rules are, I’m looking for scenes that work well for me and finding a partner who will work well in those scenes with me.”

Tinker, Hill, and Davis will also be working with director Allyson Moon over the next few months to ensure the scene from “The Miser” is ready for the festival’s showcase.

“It’s absolutely an honor to be nominated for the scene showcase,” said Moon. “There are only six to 10 scenes that will be performed, so we are very pleased to have been selected.”

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