Upcoming Shows

24 Hour Play Festival

24 Hour Play Festival

We hope it is not too late for a handful of you and your select students to come create theatre with us through the festival coming up this weekend.  Together we can have a truly memorable 24 hours of theatre!

If you have never had this experience, let us give you an idea of what to expect.  Brace yourselves! 

You and other theatre teachers and students from Kansas and area colleges, community colleges and high schools come together to create theatre!  In 24 hours a group of playwrites, actors, directors, assistant directors and technicians will create and present an evening of theatre. 

Southwestern College’s Richardson Performing Arts Center in Winfield, KS

From Friday, September 13 at 9:30 pm to Saturday, September 14 at 9:30pm, we will create together a spectacular evening of theatre.  We will write, rehearse and prepare six 10-minute plays which will be performed Saturday, September 8th at 7:30 pm. We expect to be done by 9:30pm (unless you wish to attend the after party!)

Each participant should bring a costume (not necessarily to be worn by you) and a prop (not necessarily to be used by you.)  These costume and prop items will help introduce you. They will also be shared for possible use in the plays. You, you're costume piece and your prop will be the inspiration for the six plays to be written on the spot.  Oh, yes, and bring a wonderful collaborative attitude!

To pay homage to the gods of the theatre, honor and develop your dramatic talents, work creatively with fellow theatre artists, and have a hoot of a good time!

Through creativity, collaboration, dedication, hard work, and insanity. It costs $25/person to participate. This covers housing, food, the cast party and materials such as paper for scripts ect. We will be sure to really take care of you!

If you have questions, e-mail Roger Moon at
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