SGA Minutes
SGA Meeting Minutes 10-11-2016
SGA Meeting Minutes
For October 11, 2016
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Jones at 8:06 PM
Invocation: Given by Student Conduct Advisor Jordan.
Roll Call:
There were (5) executives present and (9) Senators and (12/17) Organizations.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Treasurer Jewett to pass the minutes as unread. Motion passed without debate.
Officer Reports:
President – Student Concerns Board of Trustees- Justin Williams gave a presentation about international students on campus. Alyson Moon was the faculty rep and she talked about the problems with the Wi-Fi. The institute for Discipleship got a $500,000 grant from the lily foundation. This grant is used for a project called the Summit and a masters in specialized ministry with an influence in youth ministry. At Summit, current students will help mentor high school students that come on campus for a week that believe they are called to ministry. Application to be a mentor is due before Christmas break.
Vice President – Academic Affairs Board of Trustees- Wi-Fi is going to be improved. 10 routers are being added all around campus. They are adding one in all the major hotspots on campus.
Secretary – Academic Affairs Board of Trustees- 100% of students that committed to southwestern came versus a normal 70% rate. Wanting to raise the retention rate 2%.
Open Period/Announcements:
Laser Tag in Christy
ï‚· 7-10 volunteer for shifts
ï‚· Can play during shifts you aren’t working
Enactus Fundraiser
ï‚· Raising money for a campus in Florida that was damaged during the hurricane.
ï‚· Any donation counts
ï‚· They are selling t-shirts for probably $15.
ï‚· Plays Saint Mary’s on Saturday
Pre-Health Professionals
ï‚· Go get your flu shot 10:00-2:00 bring insurance card and it is free.
ï‚· If you don’t have insurance it will cost $25.
SGA Open Floor
ï‚· Voting- 216 people voted for finals for Queen and King
ï‚· Campaigning may not be allowed within a certain area of voting—looking into it for homecoming vs senate elections
o Option to implement new law
ï‚· Homecoming Packets
o Asked to be given out a little earlier, possibly 2 weeks ahead of time.
ï‚· Sorority and Fraternity
o Rumors of students trying to start these organizations on campus.
T-shirt Design
ï‚· Thanks Craig Lantz!
ï‚· Light heather grey
ï‚· Motion passed to approve shirt design
Organizations Announcements
ï‚· 9-lives show October 22nd at 9:00
ï‚· InterACT- October 21st bonfire with scary stories at 7:00
ï‚· Ed Builders- Trunk or Treat, October 30th is open to all the community at Key Hole Drive
ï‚· SC Republicans- Tuesday October 25th at 12:00 pm Senator Pompeo will be here. Business professors are offering extra credit.
ï‚· Preforming Arts Department Haunted House at the Marquee- October 21st and 22nd 7-midnight both days
Event Approval form reminder from Anjaih
ï‚· Need to get forms completed when hosting a campus event.
ï‚· Asked to be completed 2 weeks before event.
Next Meeting October 25th at 8:00
On a motion by Secretary Caro to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 PM, the senate voted and the motion passed.