SGA Minutes
SGA Meeting Minutes 09-27-2016
SGA Meeting Minutes
For September 27, 2016
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Emily Jones at 8:09PM
Invocation: Given by Shayla Jordan.
Roll Call:
There were (5) executives present and (9) Senators, and 17/17 Organizations represented.
New Officers
-Shayla swore in all the new senate members, this includes:
ï‚· Jenn Myers
Officer Reports:
President – N/A
Vice President – N/A
Treasurer – N/A
Secretary – N/A
Student Conduct Advisor – N/A
Stufu President – N/A
Constitutional amendments and elections- Emily Jones; Stefany Soto, Jay Buffum
Activities and Allocations – Beth Jewett; Macy Stephens, Tanner Schartz
Communication and Publicity- Savannah Caro; Raquel Resendiz, Quinlan Stein, Marquis Hodge
Student Concerns- Shayla Jordan; Kale Baker, Tessa Castor
Open Period/Announcements:
Fools on the Hill -Wednesday night 9/28
Home Football Game- Saturday 10/1 vs Friends
Homecoming starts Sunday with the service project
ï‚· Tessa Castor wants to help with cupcakes
MBA Project- Tobacco Free Campus
Sinead, Kirstin, Delaney, Audrey
Project in class to make a tobacco free campus
Group has talked to Kristin Petty and President- wants faculty staff and students on board. $25000 grant from Kansas Health Foundation. Friends University is going tobacco free July 1. President wants everyone on board- to prevent second hand smoke. Eliminating paying people to pick up cigarette butts. On the off-site facilities as well. All types of tobacco eliminated- dips and cigarettes. As soon as possible to implement this- possibly as soon as July 1: Implement before baseball gets started. Questions opposed about implementation and determining what is “getting people on board”, e-cigs, designated smoking areas, the effects this policy will have on recruitment and retention, consequences, fines, etc. MBA group considered surveying student
body. Will meet with staff and Tracy Frederick and have received support from athletics, as they want to go tobacco free. To get the grant it could be that all tobacco has to be banned.
Senator Jay Buffum requested senators and organization representatives have open discussion with senate and separate groups before voting on SGA support during next senate meeting.
All agreed to send emails and questions to Audrey at or and will send final responses to SGA by Friday (9/30)
Opened the floor to the senate to discuss.
News you need to know about
ï‚· SC Republicans
o Mike Pompeo coming to speak October 25th, event open to all students. Mossman 101 at 12:00.
ï‚· Need shirt sizes and design ideas; Heather purple?
o If you have any design ideas or thoughts bring them to the meeting next week or send to
ï‚· The only events SGA is participating in is cupcake making and window decorating.
o Email or if you would like to participate.
ï‚· The theme is “Up with knowledge”
o If anyone asks, no dodgeball, replaced with bubble soccer.
o Lip-sync battle
o Cupcake competition
o Spirit night for Volleyball against Friends.
o Mum-making- fun for everyone.
o Bonfire- Friday night
o Parade- Begins at 9:00 on Saturday
Next Meeting
ï‚· October 11th at 8:00 pm in campus life
On a motion by Shayla Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 PM, the senate voted and the motion passed.