Philanthropy Board


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SC Philanthropy Board History

The Southwestern College Philanthropy Board (SCPB) is a college student-created and student-led organization to help students learn about the role of philanthropy in community life.   The SCPB was founded by a senior student in the Leadership Southwestern program, Laura Morgan, in the fall of 2008 when she received a grant from the Students4Givingâ„  Campus Compact initiative and the Fidelity® Charitable Gift Fund™.  Southwestern College was chosen as just one of ten institutions nationwide to be a part of the Students4Giving program.  In 2009, the board gave away its first set of grants totalling $8,000 to four local non-profit organizations to financially sustain interns within these organizations.  In the spring of 2010, SCPB created an educational course on philanthropy and grant writing.  Since its creation, the board has funneled more than $15,600 in grants into community organizations throughout Cowley County!

SC Philanthropy Board Vision

The SCPB provides a sustainable avenue for students to explore philanthropy, non-profit organizations, and community partnerships, and available grant resources in order to develop tools for future service.


The mission of the SCPB is to help college students learn about philanthropy and grant resources; to fill a need to explore the structure of non-profits and their relationship to philanthropy at Southwestern College; to provide students with life-long tools; and to explore ways to give back to or build partnerships in the community. 


group picture 2016

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