
ToneBuilder to Teach Saturday Master Class

On Saturday, Oct. 23, from 10 a.m.—noon, the Community Music School at Southwestern College will feature the ToneBuilders for the Saturday master class.  There is no admission fee and the public is invited to attend.

ToneBuilders is the on-campus music organization at Southwestern made up of music majors, minors, and participants in the music department.  ToneBuilders will present “Making Music with Passion” at the Saturday master class.

“We are very excited to host the ToneBuilders this month at the Community Music School,” says Melissa Williamson, Community Music School administrator.  “They are very eager to share their enthusiasm about music and are willing to help musicians understand more about how and why we do what we do.” 

According to Williamson, musicians of all ages are welcome to attend this master class to learn about the importance of the building blocks of music and how to apply those fundamentals to everyday practice.  There will be musical games, live performances, and much more.  This master class will be held in the Rehearsal Hall of the Darbeth Fine Arts building. 

For more information, contact Williamson at (620) 229-6172.

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