
SC Concert Band to Perform Sunday, Feb. 21

The Southwestern College Concert Band offers its first performance of the year on Sunday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m. in Richardson Auditorium on the campus of Southwestern College.  The program titled Painter’s Palette features Michael Jones, assistant professor of music at Southwestern, playing Leroy Anderson’s “A Trumpeter’s Lullaby.”

SC Band pic“Mike has been such an asset to the college and the department and it is a privilege to highlight his performance,” says executive director and conductor Daniel Stevens.

Other works on the program include Vittorio Giannini’s “Symphony No. 3” and Peter Warlock’s “Capriol Suite.”

“These pieces are unapologetically beautiful,” Stevens says.  “They embrace the emotion that music can evoke and seek to draw that out of the listener. That’s how the title Painter’s Palette came to mind: There are many colors and scenes here. Each listener will hear something unique.”

The concert is underwritten by Dave and Callie Seaton.

For more information or to receive a brochure which includes the concert schedule, underwriters, seating chart, and guests, contact Lou Tharp at (620) 229-6272 or visit the website at Tickets are $5 and may be purchased in advance or at the door.


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