
SC Organ Recital is Nov. 4

James Leland will be the featured organist during Southwestern College’s faculty organ recital Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p.m., in Richardson Auditorium in Christy Administration Building.  There is no admission charge.

The program will open with Handel’s “Concerto” in B-flat major for organ and strings.  Leland will be joined by three Southwestern College students: violinists Tim Miller and Joseph Jett, and cellist Budi Taniwan.  Other featured pieces include Bach’s “Passacaglia” in C minor; Hindemith’s “Second Sonata” for organ; and Cesar Franck’s “Chorale” in A minor.

After graduating from Oberlin College, Leland completed his master’s and doctoral degrees in music at Northwestern University. He also studied at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, the State Academy of Music in Berlin.

Leland teaches organ and harpsichord at Southwestern College and is organist at Grace United Methodist Church in Winfield.  He is professor emeritus at Hollins University in Virginia where he taught and directed the choir for 34 years. 

This year he presented two lectures on the pipe organs of Winfield and organized a walking tour of four local church instruments in conjuncture with the Winfield Public Library exhibit “New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music.” 


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