
Community Music School Offers Ballroom Dance

The Community Music School at Southwestern College is offering a four-week adult ballroom dancing class beginning Thursday, Feb. 23. No experience is necessary.  Class will also meet March 1, 8, and 15.  All classes will meet at 7 p.m. in Wroten Hall on the Southwestern College campus.

Jenny Blackburn will be the instructor.  She is a university ballroom dance instructor with extensive private studio experience. Her husband, Brandon, is a visiting music faculty member at Southwestern College.

“We had seven couples and several more individuals sign up for our Christmas ballroom class, and everyone had a lot of fun,” says Hannah Northerns, administrator of the Community Music School. 

“Jenny does an excellent job with participants of varying ability levels. Her teaching enables everyone to make progress and achieve personal goals. Participants in the previous session were thrilled with what they were able to master in four classes.”
The final night is an extended session with refreshments and extra time to practice dancing, apart from the hour of class instruction.

Cost for the session (four classes) is $40 for individuals and $72 for couples. Participants should wear leather-soled shoes (but tennis shoes will work, too) and comfortable clothes to move in. For more information or to register for the class, call (620) 229-6272 or visit the Community Music School website at  The class is open to college students and adults.  The minimum enrollment is 10 and the maximum enrollment will be 20 students. The sign-up deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 21.

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