Upcoming Concerts

Dark Night of the Soul | A Cappella Choir Concert

Admission: Free

The choirs of Southwestern College will present their spring concert, “Dark Night of the Soul,” on Friday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m., in Richardson Performing Arts Center. Admission is free to the public.

“The notion of the dark night of the soul has many connotations, but at its core, it is a movement from a ‘here’ to a ‘there,’” says Simon Hill, director of choral activities and voice at Southwestern College.  “The concert explores the uncertainty, difficulty, and resiliency of the journey through the dark night.”

According to Hill, the highlights of the program include Benjamin Britten's “Rejoice in the Lamb,” works by Elaine Hagenberg, and of course, F. Melius Christiansen's “Beautiful Savior.”

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