Campus Ministry

Ministry exploration and preparation are very important at Southwestern College.  There are a wide variety of activities designed to help you grow in your faith and service.

Earn a Scholarship for being involved in Ministry on Southwestern's Campus

Click here for details and the application: UM Scholarship


Taking a Deeper Step of Faith


Discipleship is a Service Learning program, that helps students become informed, transformed, equipped, and healthy disciples of Jesus Christ at home, work, church, and in the world.  Students take classes together, belong to a covenant group, develop gifts for ministry, and use those gifts in ministry around the world!  They can even receive a scholarship!

Worship Outreach

Worship Outreach is for students with gifts for leading worship.  Teams of musicians lead worship at our weekly Chapel services and at churches in the area.  Contact for more information.

Builders in Ministry

The network of alumni, students, and friends of Southwestern in Ministry can be found on the Builders in Ministry page.  Check out the BIM Google Map, BIM Blog, and BIM Facebook Group.


Chapel at SC is filled with power, fellowship, and challenge.  Come in person for the whole experience or you can catch a live online broadcast of the service on the web. is the continuing education component of Southwestern College.  All workshops are provided online.  Add yourself to the monthly email for updates.

Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.