
'Lunches With Leaders' at SC Nov 11-15

Southwestern College will host “Lunches With Leaders” Nov. 11-15, from noon to 1 p.m., in Mossman 101.  Lunch will be provided free of charge.  The public is invited to attend but an RSVP is required two days before the event.

Lunches and speakers are sponsored by the following departments and groups: business, Leadership Southwestern, Discipleship Southwestern, performing arts, and psychology.

The featured speakers include:

• Monday, Nov. 11—Leonard R. Wolfe, business. Wolfe is president and chairman of the board of United Bank and Trust. He began his banking career during his senior year at Southwestern College, working part-time at his hometown Cedar Vale State Bank until graduation, then full time until 1986 when he became president of Home State Bank. 
• Tuesday, Nov. 12—Jan Davis, Leadership Southwestern.  Davis is a life-long educator, having accumulated more than 40 years as a teacher, principal, director of staff development, and assistant superintendent with the Wichita Public Schools. Since her first retirement in 1996, Davis has been employed as director of operations for Fundamental Learning Center, chief professional officer of the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas, and interim executive director for the YWCA Wichita.
• Wednesday, Nov. 13—Rev. Terrell Davis, Discipleship Southwestern.  Davis is the principal for Truesdell Middle School and pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Wichita.
• Thursday, Nov. 14—Jeremy Kirk, performing arts.  Kirk is assistant professor of music at Southwestern College. At Southwestern, Kirk directs the concert band and percussion ensemble and teaches courses in music education, applied percussion, applied composition, and music theory. His previous teaching experience includes Coffeyville Community College, Marshall University in Huntington, W.Va. and public schools in Kansas and West Virginia.
• Friday, Nov. 15—Michael Johnson, psychology.  Johnson joined the University of Arkansas as the athletic department’s director of clinical and sport psychology in the fall of 2013. Johnson is a licensed psychologist who specializes in sport psychology. Additionally, he has extensive experience working with college student-athletes. 

Leadership Southwestern student Michael Bond serves as the coordinator for the event. 

The Leadership Tuesday lunch will be sponsored by the community group Leadership Cowley County in an effort to partner with the college more effectively and advance leadership development work in Cowley County.

“We are excited about the line-up of speakers this year and what they will challenge our students and community to think about,” says Lindsay Wilke, assistant director for Leadership Southestern.  “‘Lunches with Leaders’ is a great opportunity to hear from experts in different fields and to think about how to expand both individual and community leadership capacity.”

To RSVP for any or all of the lunches, e-mail

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