Upcoming Events

Brenna Truhe Senior Project

Brenna Truhe is a senior on the Leadership team this year and will be coordinating her senior project on March 3rd at 7pm and March 8th @ 7pm. The proposed project aims to familiarize Southwestern College students with the many fitness groups and opportunities that are available in Winfield. The two-week project plans to bring four to five different instructors onto campus to lead sampler class so that students can experience the different types of fitness classes that are offered in the community. These on campus classes will range from 45 minutes to an hour in length and will provide the community leaders an opportunity to connect with students and advertise their classes in an interactive setting. At the end of each sampler class, a drawing will be held for students that participated in the class to win a session or membership to the correlating fitness group. Currently, there are very few students who participate in community fitness groups; the goal of this project is to educate students about options in the community other than the Winfield Recreation Commission. Providing the initial introduction between students and community leaders may result in students finding a fitness group that aligns with their fitness goals.

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