Upcoming Events

Lunches With Leaders - Dr. Scott & Dr. Thornhill-Scott

Tuesday through Friday September 27-September 30, and Monday October 3.
Six organizations on campus, including Leadership Southwestern, Discipleship Southwestern, and Green Team Southwestern will host a leader in their field to speak with students and the community over the lunch hour. The guest speaker will discuss an area of expertise in his/her field and present on his/her journey becoming a leader in the field. Other organizations to host a speaker in the past have included the nursing organization, SCANS, and Pi Gamma Mu, the Social Sciences Honor Society. Please open Lunches with Leaders for the line-up of this year's speakers.

Thursday's lunch is hosted by SAAB and features Dr. Thomas Scott and Dr. Fannette Thornhill-Scott.  

Dr. Thomas Scott is a graduate of Wittenberg University (BA – Biology). He attended Me-harry Medical College and was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society be-fore graduating with a MD. He is a Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners, the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

Dr. Fannette Thornhill-Scott is a certified Pediatric specialist. She graduated from Meharry Medical College where she earned her MD degree. Dr Thornhill-Scott obtained her pediatric training at Tod Children’s and Babies Hospital and Kosair Children’s Hospital. Traveling to Ghana, West Africa she adopted a village and partnered with the Wichita Chapter of The Links to support an orphanage in Teshie.




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